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Data on draft genome sequence of Caldanaerobacter sp. strain 1523vc, a thermophilic bacterium, isolated from a hot spring of Uzon Caldera, (Kamchatka, Russia)

2021-03-16 10:51 Научные статьи
The draft genome sequence of Caldanaerobacter sp. strain 1523vc, a thermophilic bacterium, isolated from a hot spring of Uzon Caldera, (Kamchatka, Russia) is presented.

The complete genome assembly was of 2 713 207 bp with predicted completeness of 99.38%. Genome structural annotation revealed 2674 protein-coding genes, 127 pseudogenes and 77 RNA genes. Pangenome analysis of 7 currently available high quality Caldanaerobacter spp. genomes including 1523vc revealed 4673 gene clusters. Of them, 1130 clusters formed a core genome of genus Caldanaerobacter.

Of the rest 3543 Caldanaerobacter pangenome genes, 385 were exclusively represented in 1523vc genome. 101 of 2801 Caldanaerobacter CDS were found to be encoding carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes). The majority of CAZymes were predicted to be involved in degradation of beta-linked polysaccharides as chitin, cellulose and hemicelluloses, reflecting the metabolism of strain 1523vc, isolated on cellulose. 5 of 101 CAZyme genes were found to be unique for the strain 1523vc and belonged to GH23, GT56, GH15 and two CE9 family proteins.

The draft genome of strain 1523vc was deposited at DBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accessions JABEQB000000000, PRJNA629090 and SAMN14766777 for Genome, Bioproject and Biosample, respectively.